Maitra’s Work
Opening The Lotus workshops, as well as private readings, are based on Maitra’s ability as a clairsentient to read client’s energy by watching her own, rather like a biofeedback instrument. She uses this ability to assist people in becoming more aware of their own energy responses which are often unconscious. Clients become more conscious of how they are limiting ourselves, healing automatically follows.
Maitra hosts talks to familiarize people with her work as a psychic and educate people about metaphysics. These talks may range from 30 minutes (radio or television), or up to half-day seminars in person. Frequently, Maitra gives a talk as an introduction for groups who may want readings or a workshop especially for their group. She encourages audience participation, enjoys fielding questions and often includes a series of mini-readings for audience members.

Types of Workshops Offered
Moving into Freedom
Zoom Gathering Every Other Sunday
10 am to 12:30 pm Pacific, In Europe: 7 pm to 9:30 pm
Many years ago, after much soul-searching, Moving into Freedom was the inspired tagline decided upon for my Opening the Lotus work. That phrase has always captured the essence of my intention, to describe in a few words what I wish for all of us: more freedom to feel at home in our own bodies, with all our feelings, with our perceptions, with our “take” on what we see around us. More freedom to risk, to see our mistakes and problems as opportunities to grow. More freedom to express ourselves in relationships and in unlimited creativity. More freedom from the fears that cause us to be ambivalent about being ourselves. And most imperatively, more freedom to open our hearts.
Starting with ourselves, unconditional LOVE is the great healer. Expressed with those closest to us, it can transform all of our relationships. Expressed collectively in the local and national community it can resolve the divisiveness that is so painful for us right now. And in the world community it can ultimately bring the PEACE among nations that we all long for.
Yes, Moving into Freedom requires opening your heart, first to yourself and ultimately to every person, every animal, and every tree and flower on our beloved Mother Earth. This exquisite caring for the whole of life, even at a cost to yourself, is what I understand as The Passion. Christ had it, the Buddha had it, Mohammed had it, Einstein had it, Martin Luther King had it, Shakespeare had it, Mandela had it, Michealangelo had it, The Dali Lhama has it, Obama has it – the list goes on. You recognize it when you see it, do you not? Another term for this is ‘living the impersonal life.’ Perhaps it’s time to realize that you, too, have the Passion of all-inclusive unconditional love. Perhaps as you read these words your heart is calling you to respond. “What the world needs now is love, sweet love, it’s the only thing that here’s much too little of….” Bert Bacharach
This is a time to support each other as we explore the freedom that we have and take risks to claim more. A time to learn more about our own capacity for love, for compassion and how we want to express it.
In that spirit, I am offering a twice-monthly Zoom gathering on every other Sunday
Commencing January 7, 2024, 10 am to 12:30 pm Pacific, In Europe: 7 pm to 9:30 pm
You may start on any Sunday, but be sure to let me know so I can send the invite.
Each session will consist of an opening meditation, a short teaching, and individual work as requested.
Donation: $80 monthly (2 sessions)
Or $50 per single drop-in session
Please email me with your response and any questions:
“Emotional immaturity is searching for love outside you. Emotional maturity comes from realizing you are the source of love.” - Collette O’Mahoney
Self Mastery Workshop
Wondering where you are on your journey to self realization? Would you like to have more trust in your own wisdom? Connect deeply to yourself?
This workshop will enable you to:
Heighten your self-awareness and maintain it
Increase your ability to observe yourself with compassion
Recognize blockages and learn how to dissolve them
Know when to surrender and when to increase effort
Acknowledge strengths in a way that minimizes weaknesses
Strengthen connection to your inner teacher
“We enter this workshop knowing the true teacher lives within. When we have deep desire for the truth of our own being, we can find courage to risk looking yet deeper and facing what we discover there, be it “light” or “dark”. In this process lies the possibility of liberation, mastery, and great joy. This single workshop is the culmination of my life’s work.” - Maitra
“Opening The Lotus” Workshops
These workshops are available upon request or check in to see when these workshops will be offered in your area - View Upcoming.
If you are interested in booking small group work (10-20 people), contact Maitra.
Opening The Lotus I and II | A psychic development course for those wishing to open the third eye, develop intuition, and remain grounded in the heart while doing healing work on themselves or others.
Past Lives Revisited | An easy way to remember past incarnations and their impact on the present. Gain a better understanding of deep soul connections.
Regression Training | Learn the techniques for taking yourself and others back in time using a deep Meditation method. Brings healing and understanding, releasing your energy for the present.
Opening the Heart | Practices that teach you to keep your heart open and flowing with universal, unconditional love. Enables you to overcome fear and resistance with loving kindness for the self.
Tarot: Mandala for the Millennium | The tarot is a holy book depicting the soul's journey through the human experience, teaching the steps of evolution to become a fully conscious, enlightened being. Tarot gives a profound and practical understanding of metaphysics.
Awakening The Oracle | The answers you long for are within you. We use guided meditation and other techniques to awaken the latent but powerful inner voice, and then overcome our resistance to trusting it.
Decoding Your Potential | Discovering and developing the mind/body link and bring wholeness and healing to the self. Become familiar with the inner voice and move consciously into your potential.
Amazing Women’s Psychic Retreat | For women seeking to open their hearts more, increase perception, and support each other in becoming more familiar and comfortable with their own power.
Opening the Lotus Training
A powerful combination of the first 5 workshops described above, offered over a two year period. This presents the opportunity to move more fully into your potential and take action regarding your life’s purpose. By fusing these healing modalities together, you are connecting to a deeper alignment with your inner teacher, more becoming more consciously aware of the guidance available to you from within. You will notice yourself trusting your own perceptions and, in turn, will find the freedom to express your self more clearly.
“Someone else’s action should not determine your response.”