You’re Invited!
Maitra is offering ongoing small, private group sessions via Zoom.
Reincarnation and You
What does the Akashic Record Say about You?
Do you have unanswered questions about yourself?
Do you wonder about the karma you’re working with?
Are relationships -- family, lovers, friends, -- a mystery?
Mini-readings for the audience are a staple of talks with Maitra. Bring your most pressing question and she will take a look at the Akashic (Soul record) for you.
In her book she has explained how remembering past lives can bring the insight needed for healing current issues – take a step on your own journey to freedom with a mini-reading high-lighting your personal life challenges.
Awakening the Third Eye
Are you having glimpses beyond your everyday experience?
Do you sometimes know what is going on with a person before they say anything?
Do you doubt your intuition, your seeing? Afraid of being wrong?
Let’s spend a day exploring the possibility that your third eye might be more open than you realize. That a clear intention to use it for good might bring the new level of trust in yourself that you’ve been wanting.
When: Saturday, May 25th 11:30 am thru 4 pm (3 1/2hrs.+1hr.lunch)
Where: Air and Fire, 13150 Highway 9, Boulder Creek, CA
To reserve your place: 831-338-7567 or www.AirandFire.com
Cost: $100
More offerings available on a per-request basis
Yes, That’s Me Too
Self acceptance is strangely elusive. Why is it such a difficult task to give to oneself a measure of the understanding, support, compassion and unconditional love one effortlessly gives to others?
Habitual patterns of behavior toward oneself can be changed. Let’s take the evening, discover the roots of the problem, and explore “how” we can open the door to more self-love.
OK, what is it really saying if your glass is half empty or half full? Is there another way to look at it? What difference does it make? It is possible to find a Blessing and be grateful for it even in the most dire circumstances. Let’s re-frame your most difficult challenges and create a path out of suffering.
Sharing this process with others adds to the power of it to transform your life. Make “thank you” the Mantra for your life – Join us!
Over the Rainbow
What is it that you are longing for?
Let’s explore the possibilities. You are awake, and maybe you think you know what that means. And maybe it’s beyond you. Literally, maybe it’s outside your reality as you know it.
Come, let’s invite your cosmic, indefinable Self to weigh in.
Let’s see if there’s a You beyond your dreams.
What could be on the other side of the Rainbow?
Maybe what you discover will change everything.
Let’s see.
Working Your Magic
Are you aware of impossible-to-explain events in your life that answer questions or desires that you may have? Awareness is the first step to bringing more magic into your life. Let’s spend an evening exploring your power to bring about magical occurrences and the ways you might want to use this cosmic potential.
Dream your dream; then actualize it.