Jewel Teachings
Offered For Your Inspiration
“Here are some psychic tips, and information of a practical nature to help you in your everyday life. It will be updated frequently, so add a bookmark and plan to come back! I would like to know how you have made use of what you find here. Please feel free to open a conversation with me by visiting my contact page. You inspire me!”
For a current description of Maitra’s teaching journey visit her new blog: maitrasblog.com
Jewel 8
Cutting the ‘Ties That Bind’
Are you having difficulty releasing yourself from an old relationship? Perhaps it's long behind you, but still affecting your ability to form a new relationship. Maybe it’s a childhood co-dependency with a family member that is preventing you from trusting yourself. Often these outgrown energetic ties can make it difficult to move on with your life, even with physical distance between you. Until they are recognized and released, these ties
can make you subject to somebody else's will whether you are aware of it or not.
There is a simple way to heal these limiting patterns of the energetic links between us. It’s known as ‘cutting the cord’ that forms in close relationships such as with parents or life partners. These cords can be attached to us through various energy centers in our body, like the third eye or the solar plexus.
There are two most common types of cords:
Emotional Dependency: The connection through the third chakra (solar plexus) can be confusing because it is often formed during infancy and is necessary for the well-being of the young child. “The terrible twos” describes a two-year-old who is beginning to free himself from this dependency by saying ‘no’ to everything. By the time a child is seven this independence should be well-established, but for many of us, it lingers on and may even become wholly unconscious by adulthood, transferring effortlessly to a life partner.
Psychic Bindings: In this case, the cord is connected to the third eye through which we can be easily manipulated until we become conscious of it. Knowing and trusting yourself and what you are comfortable with, can reveal the manipulation when this is happening.
There is one cord you will not wish to cut because it will not bind you and you cannot be manipulated through it. Think of it as a thin gold cord, the love between you and your parent, child, mate, friend, or teacher. This cord is elastic and timeless, carrying the is-ness of our love for one another through eternity. We never cut this cord. It is not affected when we cut the other cords.
Here is the ritual that will free you from these binding cords and ease the way to more of your potential.
In this example, we will cut the cord of Emotional Dependency first. Center yourself, close your eyes, and visualize the person with whom you want to cut the cord sitting facing you a few feet away. Speak out loud to this person and tell them that you are going to cut the Emotional or Psychic cord between you and why. Be as honest as you can when saying why. For example – “I want to make my own decisions” or “I need to develop my own potential, separate from you.”
Now visualize and describe out loud the cord between your third Chakra and theirs. It may be like an umbilical cord, a rope, an electric, or gold, or silver cord, a pipe, a chain, etc. Describe the size of the cord.
Decide what you want to cut it with – a sword, a knife, scissors, an axe, an electric saw, a fire, a laser beam, etc.
Before you cut, tie or clamp the cord in two places about a foot apart, as you would an umbilical cord, to stem the bleeding, or in this case, to stop the loss of energy.
Now you are ready to visualize cutting the cord between the ties.
Notice the way you feel as the cord lets go – maybe there’s a space or a coolness. Pull your end of the cord inside your own body, then
wrap an energetic healing bandage of green or pink light around where the cord entered your body.
You can repeat the process for the Psychic Binding Cord immediately or wait a few days if you feel both are needed.
This release process may need to be repeated if you find you have reconnected it or if the other person has reconnected without your permission. It’s not unusual for this to happen because often our habitual patterns have become unconscious. Note: I’ve never seen anyone have to repeat it more than 3 times.
Afterward: many people experience spaciousness or emptiness (it can be joyous or lonely). Others notice it only when they think about the person they have released, when they observe a different, sometimes missing, emotional response. If there is no change at all, repeat the ritual.
Sometimes we have to accept that we are not ready to let go.
Whatever happens, you have learned something about yourself – and you have made an important step toward self-mastery.
Jewel 7
Quan Yin
The female Buddha, the Bodhisattva of Compassion
The position taken by her in this depiction is that of Feminine Power.
You can benefit from this beautiful teaching example by:
Taking and holding this position for 10 to 15 minutes a day.
Ground your self by visualizing - sending roots into the ground, deep and wide.
Center yourself by focusing on your heart.
Then feel your spine tall, straight and strong. And notice how it feels to be strong and yet open.
Having your legs open for a woman in our culture means we have to challenge the restrictions put on us by society. Permission for having and exercising power has to come from within ourselves. While sitting in this position visualize what you as a women-of-power would like to see happening around you in your personal life. Visualize what you can do about making those dreams come about. Then visualize what on an impersonal level many, or all women-of-power could achieve.
Imagine: Snapping a picture of yourself in this potential future.
Men can do the same exercise, imagining what is to have feminine power. For an example of a man who has androgyny or both male and female power, watch the Dali Lhama giving one of his compassionate teachings.
Jewel 6
Making the Impossible Decision
We all have times when we are immobilized by what seems to be an impossible decision. Next time this happens to you, try this technique:
Example: A woman loves two men, both good husband material. Both men want to marry her, and she is torn between them but must choose.
Method for Solving The Problem: I call this the Walking Clear method. Place two chairs back to back. Name one Paul, and the other Bill. Now sit for about fifteen minutes in the ‘Paul’ chair and visualize what life would be like if you choose Paul. After sitting with Paul, rise and walk through the next three days, visualizing your life with Paul. Go into as much detail as possible. How will your life change with Paul? How do you feel about it? Take a day to breathe in-between, then do the same with ‘Bill’; walk three days with life with Bill. With both visualizations, be sure to address all the issues important to you, such as children, your families, money careers, where you will live, plans for the future, etc.
Results: By the end of the seven days, you will have a much clearer picture and you will most likely be able to make your choice. Whatever happens, time spent deeply studying yourself and your preferences is always enriching.
Jewel 5
The Silent Observer
Who Is Observing? It is called by many names, but nearly every spiritual path has something like the idea of the silent observer. The Silent Observer, practiced with compassion, allows us to see ourselves much more clearly and objectively, and to begin to separate consciousness from the body, the emotions, and the mind.
Consciousness is the True Self. The rest - body, mind and emotions - can be observed.
Assignment: Sit in a quiet space, starting with five minutes a day, and observe yourself with compassion, and without judgement, your body, your emotions, and your thinking. Don't try to change anything; just observe with a friendly, interested attitude. Later you may want to increase the time and eventually begin gently observing as you go through your entire day.
Results: This practice is a wonderful prelude to consciousness work.
Jewel 4
Dilemma: superior/Inferior
Our minds are always comparing ourselves with others: Am I better looking or is she? Are my kids as smart as his?
As we become more spiritually aware we change what we are comparing: Do I meditate as deeply as him? Am I as compassionate as she is? I'll never measure up to my parent/teacher/friend/guru. It helps to understand that these thoughts, not the fact of whether someone is worse or better than us, are the cause of our feelings of aloneness, pain and suffering. This kind of inner dialogue brings about a state of separation: we experience abandonment -- of ourselves!
Consider this: Superior/Inferior are opposite sides of the same coin and when one is present the other is too. So when you are feeling inferior, look deeper and you will find superiority, when you are feeling superior look deeper and you will find inferiority.
What to do? Look to see: is there a grain of truth there? If we have knowledge the other lacks (superiority) how can we give that new awareness to them? Giving to them that which we have (and they lack) brings us back to equality. Connection is reestablished. By the same token, if we can identify what they have but we lack (inferiority),we can ask them to teach us, again bringing us back to equality. In other cases we recognize we must accept the difference: a professional cook/athlete/musician will always be better; a person who can't read will never understand references to Shakespeare. A true acceptance of our place in the scheme of things will allow us to come back to equality. Connection can be reestablished. Remember: connection, Oneness, unity, and true peace, can only be experienced when we have released the illusion of separateness.
Jewel 3
Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy,sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."
Jewel 2
Symptoms of Inner Peace
A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather then from fears based on past experiences.
An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
A loss of interest in judging self.
A loss of interest in judging others.
A loss of interest in conflict.
A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others.
A loss of ability to worry. (this is a very serious symptom).
Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
Contented feeling of connectedness with others and nature.
Frequent attacks of smiling through the heart.
Increasing susceptibility to love extended by others , as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend it.
An increasing tendency to let things happen rather than trying to control them.
Jewel 1
Cleaning The Energy
I recommend this sage variety kit for smudging your space. Included: White Sage, Blue Sage, Yerba Santa, Cedar, Juniper & Palo Santo Smudge Sticks + Amethyst
There are many ways to clean the energy of a room or house in which negative energy has been released:
Vacuuming will suck up negative energies; open the windows
Ordinary washing of floors, walls and soft surfaces such as sofas, etc. will make a noticeable difference.
Painting the walls
Channeling light with the intention of raising the vibration - filling the space with light.
Get a small candle for each room; program the candles by holding them in your hands and asking them to burn up (transmute) all negative energy in that space. Let them burn completely away. This must be done when you are going to be home all day , if there is anything left, or you must put it out before it is finished, it must be burned in your fireplace etc.
Smoke from burning White Sage sticks, walked in ever increasing or decreasing circles (American Indian method). Sometimes sage is combined with other effective herbs.
My experience, the most effective - place in a long handled cooking pan: a large handful of Epsom salts(magnesium sulphate), then pour over it enough rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) to soak the salt and leave a thin film of liquid over it. Then light it with a match and walk the room in increasing or decreasing circles. You might want to experiment outside until you feel safe enough with the fire to go inside. Be sure and give plants plenty of room. Your room will feel pristine, with no residue or odor.
Now to the technology of metaphysics: raise the vibration to create a sacred, healing space: (remember negative ions?)Fresh flowers
Light incense
Sacred music or chanting, alive or recorded.
Fountain (running water)
Colors that lift the spirits
Presence of crystals, stones, spiritual books, statues, pictures of saints etc.
Sometimes an alter is appropriate; the place where we acknowledge our own divine nature.
We all intuitively know these things but as we become more and more aware of energy, they become more important because we want environments where our spirits feel invited and can flourish.
“When I run after what I think I want, my days are a furnace of stress and anxiety: if I sit in my own place of patience, what I need flows to me, without pain. From this I understand that what I want also wants me, is looking for me and attracting me. There is a great secret here for anyone who can grasp it.”