Opening the Lotus
Moving into Freedom
About Maitra
Maitra is a leading international psychic with over 35 years experience as a teacher of metaphysics, and as a professional Psychic, Reader and Counselor. Her unique offerings include:
Psychic/Spiritual readings
Individuals and couples psychic counseling
Past-life readings and regressions
“Opening the Lotus” classes, workshops, and lectures
Maitra’s New Book
“Your Past Can Set You Free”
is available now on Amazon!
Time for a new perspective?
'I have had psychic visions, visitations, and guidance since childhood. In 1973 I began meditating with Muktananda, a well-known spiritual teacher from India. With his help my psychic abilities began to unfold, and I found that the transformation that resulted identified my life's work; Psychic Healing, through Readings and other transformative work.
By 1977, after some training with Family of Man, led by Marsha Mossman, my natural abilities, were further awakened and I began doing readings professionally and teaching classes and workshops. I now also work internationally in Europe and Asia. I am clairsentient, which means I 'sense' in my body what is going on with clients. I also channel and read the energy field around the body, also known as aura. This can give information on past lives, current challenges, relationships, and your health.’
‘I suggest ways to improve life's situations, but remind clients they must make their own decisions. I work with my client's spirit guides and can contact loved ones who have passed. I do individual, couple, and group readings and give talks, classes, and workshops under the title Opening the Lotus, a term that refers to opening the energy centers or chakras of the body. My own radio show, Psychic Insights was on the air for six years, and I work very effectively through the media. I find my best skills lie in the area of helping people further align with their Higher Selves, identify with their life's purpose and making better life decisions by understanding themselves and their karmic situation.’
‘Simply: if we act with love, then we will receive loving kindness in return. If we act with selfishness, greed, violence, etc., then those also will return. This principle operates over lifetimes. It is the outworking of the principle of justice. Negative karma can be addressed, healed, and released with a strong intent to do be a force for good in the world.’ In popular language “what goes around comes around”.’

Maitra’s Online Talks
“My passion is the miracle of transformation – the profound effect of changes of consciousness on material reality. The whole world, particularly my beloved planet earth is my classroom. Every person, every sentient being, is my teacher. I have come to believe that it is not only possible to change the world, but that we are all doing it. I am doing it. My tools are my ability to see through the illusion, the intention to change it and the power of love.